Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider
Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Language Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

Company Profile

Committed to offering industrial enterprises top-tier products in operational safety interlocking and intelligentization

Founded in 1998, Zhuhai Unitech Power Technology Company is committed to offering industrial enterprises top-tier products in operational safety interlocking and intelligence. The company was successively awarded the National Manufacturing Industry Single Champion Demonstration Enterprise, National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise, China Excellence Patent Award, etc. With over 1000 granted patents to date, numerous achievements and products have been acknowledged as internationally advanced. These products have found wide application in industries such as power, rail transit, petrochemical, metallurgical steel, coal mines, and more.

2000 +


60000 +

Engineering Projects

24 +

National Market Distribution

R&D Expertise

Embrace innovation genes,thrive through innovation

Inheriting a legacy of R&D philosophy, establishing R&D institutions and teams, accumulating technical resources, and integrating the R&D process through the introduction of the IDP R&D management system, we dedicate to cultivating an innovative culture. We are firmly committed to the principle of "Innovation drives development," resulting in the creation of numerous cutting-edge systems and products both domestically and internationally.

30 Years

In-house R&D capability

700 +

R&D personnel

15 %

Over 15% sales revenue for R&D annually


Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

Mission Statement

Better life with security and wisdom

Unitech has always focuses on the continuous pursuit of safety and intelligence by people. Employing industry-leading technologies, we continuously innovate our products and services to provide top-notch safety and intelligent solutions for the production and operations processes of industries such as power, rail transit, and petrochemicals. This enhances operational safety levels and production efficiency, continuously creating value for society and customers. We aim to create a better life with safety and wisdom.

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

Corporate Purpose

To be a leader in intelligent security technology

Focused on safety and efficiency, Unitech relies on the wisdom and dedication of our team to innovate independently, providing advanced, reliable products and top-notch services. We lead in safety control and intelligent solutions, expanding product applications across industries to serve more customers. We share successes with partners, shareholders, and employees, relentlessly pursuing excellence, fulfilling social responsibilities, and aiming to be a modern, sustainable, high-tech enterprise. We aim to establish the internationally renowned Unitech brand and become a leader in intelligent safety production.

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

Corporate Ethos

Creating uniqueness and pursuing perfection

Ever since its inception,Unitech people have been relentless quested for quality and distinctiveness in products and services. Building upon this foundation of uniqueness, it aims for excellence and perfection,accumulating steadily and persistently achievements . This steadfast spirit has been enabled the company to make strides and solidify its position as a leader in safety control,boasting the top ranks nationally in both technological capabilities and market share.

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider
Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

Core Values

Trust Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

Trust Honesty, integrity, loyalty, and keeping promises are the foundation of reputation, as well as the cornerstone of a company's healthy growth

Innovation Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

Innovation Oriented toward the market, Unitech leads by innovation to drive demand, propelling development through innovation; instituing innovative mechanisms and cultivating an innovative atmosphere.

Team Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

Team Adhering to a people-oriented, democratic decision-making approach, continually enhancing core team capabilities, and fostering mutual growth for the company and its employees.

Synergy Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

Synergy By sharing, reusing, and integrating knowledge, experiences, methods, and resources, we aim to maximize value and achieve mutual development for individuals and the organization.

Responsibility Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

Responsibility A proactive attitude of taking ownership and fulfilling duties conscientiously, coupled with an approach of not picking and choosing tasks or making excuses. Only by shouldering responsibility can one be entrusted with greater tasks.



Invents micro error-prevention technology
Starts embarking on operation safety


Develops the first-generation smart key
Explore the safety control of power transformation


Unitech is established in Zhuhai


Develop integrated protection systems
starts embarking on safety of system power supply


Awarded the certificate of
Key National Torch Plan Project


Launched safety management
and control for distribution networks


Initiated the industrial safety strategy


Successful development of rail transit
safety management and control


Unitech's new office building
officially opened


Awarded Zhuhai Mayor's Quality Award
Launched power generation safety management and control
Explored the safety control of petrochemical process operations


Awarded China Patent Excellence Award
Won the Quality Award of Guangdong Provincial Government


Awarded National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise
Launched the one-click sequential control system


Won the First Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Urban Railway Transit
Won the First Prize of Guangdong Electric Power Science and Technology


Zhuhai Unitech Park officially opened
Product strategy upgraded to five product families


Awarded the National Manufacturing
Single Champion Demonstration Enterprise


Awarded Top 500 Patent Strength of Chinese Enterprises


Comprehensively lay out the power grid,
power generation, rail transit, petrochemical,
and other industries to establish a world-class brand.

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider


















Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider
Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

Quality Control

Unitech follows an excellent performance management model based on the national quality award criteria "GB/T 19580".We continuously optimize systems and methods, enhancing overall performance. We introduce various quality improvement projects to deepen quality management, ensuring effective control and providing high-quality products and services to customers.

ISO9001 Quality Management System ISO9001 Quality Management System

ISO14001Environment Management System ISO14001Environment Management System

ISO45001Occupational Health and Safety System ISO45001Occupational Health and Safety System

ISO27001Information Security System ISO27001Information Security System

Intellectual Property Management System Intellectual Property Management System

Software Maturity CMMI Level 5 Certification Software Maturity CMMI Level 5 Certification

CNAS Laboratory Accreditation CNAS Laboratory Accreditation

AAAAA-Level Standardized Conduct AAAAA-Level Standardized Conduct

CS4 Level for Information System Construction and Service Capability CS4 Level for Information System Construction and Service Capability

Awards and rankings

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider National Manufacturing
Single Champion Demonstration Enterprise

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider China Patent Excellence Award

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider National Intellectual Property
Demonstration Enterprise

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider First Prize for Power Technology
in Guangdong

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Second Prize for Science Technology
in Guangdong

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Guangdong Intellectual Property
Demonstration Enterprise

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Guangdong Abide by Contracts
and Keep Promises Enterprise

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Guangdong Government's
Quality Award

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Guagndong Patent
Excellence Award

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider First-class prize of Zhuhai Scientific
and Technological Progress

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Excellence Award of the First
Zhuhai Standard Innovation Award

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Zhuhai Intellectual Property
Protection Key Enterprises

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Class A Taxpayers

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Zhuhai Mayor's Quality Award

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Zhuhai Patent Prize Award

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider National Torch Plan Software Industry
Base Backbone Enterprises

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 3 National Key New Products

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider First Prize for Scientific and Technological
Progress in Urban Rail Transit

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Certificate of Honor for A-Level
Tax-payer Credit Rating in 2019

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2019年度轨道交通项目

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2019年度珠海市

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 第七届全国

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省民营企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 优秀软件产品

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省名牌产品

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2019年度珠海市

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 国家电网第五届

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2018年纳税信用

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 十大名牌软件

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 高新技术企业证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 用户满意度品牌AA级

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 第七届全国品牌故事大赛全国总决赛企业最佳组织奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 第七届全国品牌故事大赛总决赛全国品牌故事演讲比赛二等奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省民营企业创新

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 中小学生电力安全教育

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 纳税信用A级荣誉证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2017年度优秀软件产品牌匾(UT-F500R调度防误综合操作系统V1.0)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省著名商标

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 企业信用评价

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2016年度支持红十字事业爱心捐赠先进单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省创新型企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2016年燕山石化检修改造优秀供应商

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省高新技术产品:智能配网自动化系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省用户委员会评价证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 工业领域电力需求侧

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2016 A级纳税人

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2015年度轨道交通创新力企业50强最具创新力企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东软件行业协会第七届理事会监事会单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省高新技术产品:调度防误一体化综合操作系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省用户满意品牌

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市质量协会副会长单位牌匾

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市2016年度专利10强企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2015年度轨道交通创新产品奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2015年度广东省守合同重信用企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2015年度珠海市最佳软件技术创新产品三等奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 轨道交通创新力企业五十强证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2014年度珠海市智慧城市建设优秀解决方案和产品奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 标准化良好行为证书(AAAA)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2013-2016广东省创新型企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Certificate of Appraisal(CMMI-Development Maturity Level III Systems and Software Engineering)SCAMPI Class A

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 软件企业认定证书(粤R-2013-0359)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2014年A级纳税人

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省名牌产品

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省著名商标

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 安全生产标准化三级企业(机械)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 国家火炬计划软件产业基地骨干企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书-2011-J-3-04-D01

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2014年AAA级纳税人

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 高新技术企业(证书)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2013-2016广东省创新型企业证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 国家火炬计划产业化示范项目证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 软博会金奖牌匾

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 计算机信息系统集成企业资质证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东战略性新兴骨干企业(小图)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2012年度珠海市战略性新兴产业重大项目实施单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider A级纳税人

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 高新技术企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市香洲区2011年度安全生产先进单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省高新技术产品

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 第十七届软博会金奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省中小企业创新产业化示范基地

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 纳税信用等级

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省战略性新兴产业培育企业证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省高新技术产品--卓越防误综合操作系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省名牌产品

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 中国软件创新潜力奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 第一届广东省软件业务收入前百家企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 资信等级证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市2011年度企业安全生产暨工伤保险工作先进单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省高新技术产品 --卓越变电站综合自动化系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 智能解锁钥匙管理机

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 标准化良好行为证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2011年广东省软件和集成电路设计企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省自主创新100强企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider A级纳税人2010

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省重大科技专项实施单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2008珠海税贡献

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2011年国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 高新技术企业证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省著名商标证书(2010Y08187)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2010创新产业化

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省高新技术企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2006-2007年度珠海市十强民营企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider GS高压带电显示

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 高新技术企业牌匾

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 自主创新30强民营企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2009最具规模企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2009年广东省装备制造业50骨干企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2008广东省

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省名牌产品(GD2008-108)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2008广东省著名商标

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市十强软件企业2007

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书—UT-ZJXT操作票专家系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书—UT-ZJXT操作票专家系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 中国国家强制性产品认证证书-真空辅助开关

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2008A级纳税人

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 国家火炬计划软件产业基地骨干企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市禁毒基金会捐赠证书(2007)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书—UT-ZJXT操作票专家系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书—UT-ZJXT操作票专家系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 第三届中小企业博览会

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2008广东省著名商标证书(2008Y05116)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 重点高新技术企业证书(QF20070402)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市禁毒基金会捐赠证书(2007)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书—UT-ZJXT操作票专家系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书—UT-ZJXT操作票专家系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 中国国家强制性产品认证证书-真空辅助开关

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市二00五年度工伤保险工作先进单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2005年度优秀软件产品证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市十强民营企业牌匾(2005)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市2007年度企业安全生产工作先进单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider UT-2000型变电站微机综合操作系统三等

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 企业技术中心证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider AAA级信誉等级

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 科技成果登记证书—UTXS-3电脑巡视系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市禁毒基金会捐赠证书(2005)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市优秀民营企业证书(2003)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 知识产权优势企业_800

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider UT-2000变电站微机综合操作系统科技进步突出贡献奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2005年度广东省诚信示范企业荣誉证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市十强民营企业荣誉证书(2008)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市2003-2004年度光彩之星

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider CMM2级软件成熟度管理认证证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市文明单位称号荣誉证书(2002)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider UT-2000变电站微机综合操作系统科技进步突出贡献奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 软件企业认定证书(R-2001-0032)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 软件企业认定证书(副本)粤R-20010032

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider UT-2000变电站微机综合操作系统科技进步突出贡献一等奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider UT-2000变电站微机综合操作系统科技进步突出贡献一等奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider National Manufacturing
Single Champion Demonstration Enterprise

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider China Patent Excellence Award

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider National Intellectual Property
Demonstration Enterprise

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider First Prize for Power Technology
in Guangdong

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Second Prize for Science Technology
in Guangdong

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Guangdong Intellectual Property
Demonstration Enterprise

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Guangdong Abide by Contracts
and Keep Promises Enterprise

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Guangdong Government's
Quality Award

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Guagndong Patent
Excellence Award

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider First-class prize of Zhuhai Scientific
and Technological Progress

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Excellence Award of the First
Zhuhai Standard Innovation Award

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Zhuhai Intellectual Property
Protection Key Enterprises

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Class A Taxpayers

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Zhuhai Mayor's Quality Award

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Zhuhai Patent Prize Award

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider National Torch Plan Software Industry
Base Backbone Enterprises

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 3 National Key New Products

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider First Prize for Scientific and Technological
Progress in Urban Rail Transit

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Certificate of Honor for A-Level
Tax-payer Credit Rating in 2019

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2019年度轨道交通项目

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2019年度珠海市

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 第七届全国

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省民营企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 优秀软件产品

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省名牌产品

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2019年度珠海市

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 国家电网第五届

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2018年纳税信用

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 十大名牌软件

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 高新技术企业证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 用户满意度品牌AA级

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 第七届全国品牌故事大赛全国总决赛企业最佳组织奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 第七届全国品牌故事大赛总决赛全国品牌故事演讲比赛二等奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省民营企业创新

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 中小学生电力安全教育

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 纳税信用A级荣誉证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2017年度优秀软件产品牌匾(UT-F500R调度防误综合操作系统V1.0)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省著名商标

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 企业信用评价

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2016年度支持红十字事业爱心捐赠先进单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省创新型企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2016年燕山石化检修改造优秀供应商

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省高新技术产品:智能配网自动化系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省用户委员会评价证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 工业领域电力需求侧

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2016 A级纳税人

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2015年度轨道交通创新力企业50强最具创新力企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东软件行业协会第七届理事会监事会单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省高新技术产品:调度防误一体化综合操作系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省用户满意品牌

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市质量协会副会长单位牌匾

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市2016年度专利10强企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2015年度轨道交通创新产品奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2015年度广东省守合同重信用企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2015年度珠海市最佳软件技术创新产品三等奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 轨道交通创新力企业五十强证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2014年度珠海市智慧城市建设优秀解决方案和产品奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 标准化良好行为证书(AAAA)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2013-2016广东省创新型企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Certificate of Appraisal(CMMI-Development Maturity Level III Systems and Software Engineering)SCAMPI Class A

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 软件企业认定证书(粤R-2013-0359)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2014年A级纳税人

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省名牌产品

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省著名商标

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 安全生产标准化三级企业(机械)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 国家火炬计划软件产业基地骨干企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书-2011-J-3-04-D01

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2014年AAA级纳税人

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 高新技术企业(证书)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2013-2016广东省创新型企业证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 国家火炬计划产业化示范项目证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 软博会金奖牌匾

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 计算机信息系统集成企业资质证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东战略性新兴骨干企业(小图)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2012年度珠海市战略性新兴产业重大项目实施单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider A级纳税人

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 高新技术企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市香洲区2011年度安全生产先进单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省高新技术产品

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 第十七届软博会金奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省中小企业创新产业化示范基地

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 纳税信用等级

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省战略性新兴产业培育企业证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省高新技术产品--卓越防误综合操作系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省名牌产品

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 中国软件创新潜力奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 第一届广东省软件业务收入前百家企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 资信等级证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市2011年度企业安全生产暨工伤保险工作先进单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省高新技术产品 --卓越变电站综合自动化系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 智能解锁钥匙管理机

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 标准化良好行为证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2011年广东省软件和集成电路设计企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省自主创新100强企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider A级纳税人2010

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省重大科技专项实施单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2008珠海税贡献

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2011年国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 高新技术企业证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省著名商标证书(2010Y08187)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2010创新产业化

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省高新技术企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2006-2007年度珠海市十强民营企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider GS高压带电显示

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 高新技术企业牌匾

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 自主创新30强民营企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2009最具规模企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2009年广东省装备制造业50骨干企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2008广东省

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 广东省名牌产品(GD2008-108)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2008广东省著名商标

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市十强软件企业2007

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书—UT-ZJXT操作票专家系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书—UT-ZJXT操作票专家系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 中国国家强制性产品认证证书-真空辅助开关

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2008A级纳税人

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 国家火炬计划软件产业基地骨干企业

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市禁毒基金会捐赠证书(2007)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书—UT-ZJXT操作票专家系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书—UT-ZJXT操作票专家系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 第三届中小企业博览会

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2008广东省著名商标证书(2008Y05116)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 重点高新技术企业证书(QF20070402)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市禁毒基金会捐赠证书(2007)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书—UT-ZJXT操作票专家系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市科学技术奖励证书—UT-ZJXT操作票专家系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 中国国家强制性产品认证证书-真空辅助开关

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市二00五年度工伤保险工作先进单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2005年度优秀软件产品证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市十强民营企业牌匾(2005)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市2007年度企业安全生产工作先进单位

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider UT-2000型变电站微机综合操作系统三等

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 企业技术中心证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider AAA级信誉等级

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 科技成果登记证书—UTXS-3电脑巡视系统

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市禁毒基金会捐赠证书(2005)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市优秀民营企业证书(2003)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 知识产权优势企业_800

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider UT-2000变电站微机综合操作系统科技进步突出贡献奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 2005年度广东省诚信示范企业荣誉证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市十强民营企业荣誉证书(2008)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市2003-2004年度光彩之星

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider CMM2级软件成熟度管理认证证书

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 珠海市文明单位称号荣誉证书(2002)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider UT-2000变电站微机综合操作系统科技进步突出贡献奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 软件企业认定证书(R-2001-0032)

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider 软件企业认定证书(副本)粤R-20010032

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider UT-2000变电站微机综合操作系统科技进步突出贡献一等奖

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider UT-2000变电站微机综合操作系统科技进步突出贡献一等奖

Key Projects

HONG KONG MTR Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider HONG KONG MTR

Changsha Maglev Express Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Changsha Maglev Express

Winter Olympics Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Winter Olympics

Qingyu UHV Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Qingyu UHV

Sinopec Zhenhai Refining& Chemical Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Sinopec Zhenhai Refining& Chemical

Brunei PMB Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Brunei PMB

Yalong Hydropower Plant Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider Yalong Hydropower Plant

DTP Power Plant Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider DTP Power Plant

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider
Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

Unitech-Industrial Security and Intelligence Solutions Provider

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